I need a new plan for when Mr. Man comes back from boyscout camp. He will be gone all week that gives the girls a break and me time to think. I have been reading stuff on line and will be writing down what I needed to do to help him have a better time. Mr. Man is just staying with me for 2 weeks after camp before going back home. I thing I wish would never happen but that is a story for another time. Mr. Man's mom doesn't like the
meds so he has none. He needs them. My goal is to give him a fun summer and teach him how to act. It has been harder than I thought. Now on to the planning:
- have a clear plan each day
- keep him near me most the time
- have him look at me when I talk
- have him say what I said back
- break up big task into smaller ones
- each morning have him write a to do list
- in same book have him write 5 good things he did each day
- allow him to do something as I talk *
- put up blockers when need: he doesn't need to hear or see what others are doing
- remember the good
- find was he doesn't have to write+
- break up the sitting time 15 min working 15 min playing
- keep work with one thing at time writing spelling math are not one thing and try not to make them.
*He may have a hard time just listening and be able to hear and understand what is going on better if he can do something else. Have silly putty, Lego's, block, make art, anything to keep his hands and moving so his ears can listen still have him respond to things from time to time. I know one thing I said is have him look at me this may work too. I am just trying this out here
+Don't make him write down his answers with pen and paper use a white broad, stamps, chalk board, letter magnets,