Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Potty Training

We have went to underwater with Girlygirl. We have been using the potty when she wanted for about year now. I like to start let them try when the are young. She wanted to use underwear about 6 months ago but she wasn't ready. Now I say it is time. We will see how it goes. Here are a few potty training tips:
  • Start by just letting the get use to the potty. (I do this at 9-12 months) Nothing big just sit on the potty when you do or before the bath. Do this until you ready to train.
  • I like to go right to underwear when out. Use rubber pants and bring extra clothing. It is life go with it. I don't like Training Pants because kids know they are diapers. There are time you may want to use them
  • I can't stay home all the time so we do go on like normal. Like I said i just bring a change of clothing for when we are out. Make sure to go potty at every stop and more than one time for long stops.
  • If you are like me you will forget to bring your child potty when you are home. I use the kitchen timer. We don't always use the the same time. In the morning Girlygirl can go for over 30 min. but after nap it may be every 10 min. Just go with what you think your child needs.
  • Find something that makes your child like it. For Girlygirl most the time I can just sing the potty song. "Pee pee in the potty. Pee pee in the potty. Who went pee pee in the potty? Girlygirl went pee pee in the potty. Yepee!!!"
  • When she doesn't want to sit we read, sing or she plays with stickers.
  • Remember to make it your own. You know your child best and you too. Do what works best for both of you.

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