Tuesday, April 22, 2008

You can do it

Tonight I was watching a movie about a fat girl who got voted prom queen. At one point in the movie the mom of the fat girl said to her daughter "You didn't need me to protect you; you just need me to support you." Now that is something to think about for any parent to think of. No matter what your child needs you to be there to say you can do it and how can I help. Your little one learning to walk, talk and play. Doesn't need you to say don't do that it is not safe but here let me help you learn how to do it safe. If you child wants to slide help him learn how to clam up. Don't do it for him just help him learn to do it. You may think it is too hard for your little one but don't stop them be there to pick them up when they fall. As you child grows the support moves to things like school and friends. You will not be able to keep them from being hurt or having a hard times. You can be there to help them with what they are trying to do and teach them what they want to learn. Your child may want read a book that is too hard but don't stop them be there to help with the words they don't know. Or maybe they need to learn something that is hard for them don't just not teach it help them push through it. No matter what our job as parents are to teach our children what they need when they grow up. Remember they need to fall to know they are okay when they get up. Hey you maybe shocked how well they do.

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