Saturday, January 24, 2009

Operation Playtime Day 5 of 12:Painting

I found Operation playtime today. I wish I found it before day one. I seem to find things 5 days in all the time. I joined late but it is still fun. In Operation Playtime the goal is to play with things that don't have batteries or a plug. I love that. Each day they give an idea of something to do. Today was painting with kitchen stuff. Girlygirl didn't like the idea of painting with anything but brushes so we just paint the red bag to use for our color bags. Painting is one of Girlygirl favorite things to do so she loves when I get the paint out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary Glad to have you on board. Good for you for trying other painting materials at least she knows what she like. Thanks for participating