Friday, August 29, 2008

Potty Training: When they don't want to go.

For the first few weeks Girlygirl loved to go to the potty just wasn't sure when she needed to go. Now she knows when she needs to go most the time but she doesn't like to stop what she is doing to go. There are a few things I have done to help her.
  1. As I have done from the beginning I keep stickers and a sticker book in the bath room. She doesn't even have to go to get it. If she sits on the potty then she can play with it while she tries to go.
  2. I often go in the bathroom with her and read books with her.
  3. I have notice that she doesn't want to miss her morning TV. So if after trying to get her to come to the potty she doesn't come I bring her little potty out in front of the TV. I know it maybe bad but it works for us.
  4. I give her a choice of using the big potty or little potty.
  5. Sometimes I need her to try and she doesn't want to go and crys but that is okay and most the time she still goes and is happy in the end.
You know your child best and if you have to just stop for a week or two and then come back that is fine too. Making potty training work for both you and your child is the only rule there is if you ask me.

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